Copper sulfate crystals


Copper sulfate with a characteristic beautiful bright blue color is most suitable for growing a crystal at home. Unlike a crystal grown on salt, a crystal of copper sulfate will be sparkling, transparent and bright. This will require:
-Copper sulfate
-Wool thread
-Metal wire
-Water (boiling water)

For a faceted glass with a capacity of 250 ml. it will be necessary to take about 300 g of copper sulfate. Pour copper sulfate into a glass of hot boiled water, stirring it with a spoon. The hotter the water, the quicker it will dissolve. Add vitriol until the solution becomes saturated, that is, until vitriol ceases to dissolve. The sediment at the bottom should be 3-5 cm high.
You can grow an ordinary solid crystal, but to make it more beautiful, we will give it a shape. To do this, you need to take a metal wire up to 10 cm long and wrap it with woolen thread. Remember that the crystals will be half transparent, so it is better to take the thread finer so that it is hardly noticeable. Give the wire the desired shape of the crystal: circle, square, star or heart. Put the wire in a glass with a saturated solution of copper sulfate in a dark place for several days, depending on what size crystal you are going to grow. A week will be enough for small crystals.

Small growths of crystals will begin to appear on the second day. It’s better not to shake the glass again. As soon as you begin to notice that the liquid is gradually starting to evaporate, add a little warm water to the glass. The crystal depicted in the photograph was grown for a week. You must admit that such an idea of ​​growing crystals at home is the most original and unique!


Watch the video: DIY Crystal at Home 2 - CopperII Sulfate (January 2025).