Creative christmas tree


As you know, the main decoration in the house for the New Year holiday is a tree. Today I propose to craft a creative Christmas tree - a green beauty from wool. To make this craft you will need special skills and tools.
So, for work it is necessary to prepare:
  • wool for felting of different colors (green, red, orange, brown, burgundy)
  • felting needles No. 36, 38, 40;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • golden or silver ribbon for decoration, 1 cm wide;
  • potty;
  • color net;
  • for the barrel - a wand;
  • a little gypsum or cement mortar so that our Christmas tree stood firmly.

First, we form a cone of the desired size from the synthetic winterizer with the help of needle No. 36.

Then wrap the cone with green wool.

We apply the wool so that there are no white gaps, as densely as possible.

Now we roll well, and when the shape is already looming, we form the top.

Carefully insert the wire through the top. It should reach the middle of the height of the Christmas tree. Now carefully roll the entire product to a dense state. First, with the help of needle No. 36, then change it to needle No. 38 and No. 40. If you do not have wire, then you can leave the tip without it, just make it shorter. When then you decorate the top with an asterisk, it will drop down under the weight. This version of the Christmas tree also looks pretty.

Now proceed to the trunk. We wrap the stick with a synthetic winterizer and from the top we wind it with wool and wallow.

The resulting part is carefully connected to the Christmas tree with the help of wool as shown in the photo. Tack these details well.

In the next step, we strengthen our pottery with cement. To do this, we dilute the cement with water and fill it in a pot. Now we put the Christmas tree there and leave it to freeze for a while.

In the meantime, we’ll make a mesh decoration for the pot. We bend the edges of the mesh to the center and attach using a needle and thread.

Then, retreating from the edge of the 4-5 centimeter, we collect everything in a circle and string together. It turns out such a basket from the grid as in the photo.

We decorate the basket with a golden ribbon.

Now you need to prepare the decorations. To do this, we first form balls from sintepon.

We roll the balls with a needle No. 36.

We make as many balls as we want toys. After wrapping each ball with wool and roll to the desired density. I used different colors of wool.

Then we make an asterisk in the same way as toys.

It turns out these Christmas decorations.

We make bows from ribbons according to the number of Christmas toys.

Now we decorate our New Year's beauty. Using glue we attach toys and bows to the Christmas tree (use glue which is convenient for you, I glued it with a hot glue gun). Apply glue to the bottom of the basket from the net so that it sticks to the pot. Now we insert the Christmas tree into the pot, fill it with gypsum (cement) mortar. Lay the blue wool on top and lightly lay it on the net, only carefully so as not to break the needle. The Christmas tree is ready!


Watch the video: 30 Most Creative Christmas Tree Ideas (October 2024).