Fragrant sock cat


Surely in almost every house where there are little children, you can find a pair of socks lying around idle, from which the baby has long grown. It is hard to believe, but from this piece of clothing you can very easily and quickly make a soft toy that your baby will play with pleasure.
A funny kitten made from a sock and filled with dried flowers, to give the toy a pleasant aroma, can be done in just a couple of hours. The joy of the baby from joint creativity with his mother and from playing with the resulting funny animal will be long.
To work, you will need:
• pair of socks,
• scissors,
• thread and needle,
• synthetic winterizer,
• dried flowers,
• black floss thread
• beads and ribbons for decoration,
• eyes.
For the manufacture of toys it is better to use bright, colorful socks, the heel of which differs in color from their main part.
To get started, take one sock and, turning it inside out, put a heel up in front of you.
Using scissors, cut the toe in half, starting from the toe and not reaching the heel. These will be the hind legs of the cat. And then do the same action from the leg. Only in this case make the incision slightly shorter.

Sew the cut edges together, leaving a small hole so that the toe can be turned out. Fill the toy with filler and dried flowers, and then sew the hole. The cat’s body is ready, it’s time to start making the head.

Take another sock, turn it also on the wrong side and cut the toe, but not evenly, but leaving corners for future ears. Also cut off part of the sock on the other side. Sew the cut edges in the same way as in the previous case, leaving a hole. Turn out the "head" and fill it with a padding polyester. And then sew the hole to the end and attach the kitten's head to the trunk.
Now you can start making ponytails. Cut an oblong piece of fabric from the rest of the sock. Sew it around the edges and loosely fill it with filler. Gently sew the tail to the body of the cat.

The toy is almost ready. It remains to designate the kitten "face" and decorate the cute animal. Use black thread floss to stitch the nose and mouth, and then glue the eyes, which can be purchased at any sewing store. Tie a bow around your neck. Beads can decorate the ears.

The toy is ready. Such a cute, pleasantly smelling flowers kitten will certainly appeal to any child.


Watch the video: Put A Sock Over The Glass And Put It Inside The Car Every Driver Needs This (October 2024).