Description of the cube.
You can not only choose and buy a toy in the store, but also make it yourself. For example, a developing cube according to the methods of B. Nikitin and M. Montessori. It is noteworthy that a child will be able to play with such a cube for a long time. In its manufacture, the mother can take into account not only the age of the child, but also his favorite colors, shapes, as well as come up with tasks that will be most interesting to the baby.
In the presented master class, a cube is made, each side of which is made in a separate color. A part of the parties was used to develop the perception of the surrounding world. For example, the rainbow-colored side with opening wings, behind which the sun “hides”.
Other parties include a task. For example, on the blue side, you need to count the petals of a chamomile, on the lilac side - count the beads and put them in a grid. Tasks can be completely different: their complexity and essence depend on the mother’s imagination. Some of the elements of the cube are made of rusting materials, a small container with beads is placed inside one of the flowers - thanks to which a so-called rattle has turned out.
How and from what to make a cube.
To make the development cube shown in the photo, you will need:
• Knitting threads "Iris". You can take any other threads you like and have at hand, but in this case the choice was made specifically for Iris, as they are 100% cotton, presented in a variety of color palettes, are available for sale and are inexpensive;
• Crochet hook, sewing game, scissors;
• Ordinary threads for sewing;
• Cotton fabric;
• A variety of rings, buttons, beads, small containers (for example, from under the Kinder Surprise eggs);
• Filler. As a filler for the cube, you can use foam rubber, synthetic winterizer or any other safe material. In this case, the cube is filled with polystyrene balls (they, for example, are used as a filler in the manufacture of frameless furniture). Balls are quietly rustling, therefore the cube turned out to be "rustling".
So, let's get to work.
• First of all, you need to decide on the size of the cube, and also think about the design of each side. In this case, the size of each face of the cube is 10 cm. Therefore, 6 multi-colored sides of the cube were connected (each side is made separately) 10 by 10 cm.
• After the parties are ready, they need to be drawn up. For each side individually, it is necessary to select or make figures for decoration. These can be buttons tied with threads and small toys connected, inside which you can put containers filled with beads from under the Kinder Surprise eggs.
• As you make the "developmental material" is attached to the sides of the cube using threads.
• When the sides are framed, it is necessary to make a base (it will be placed inside the cube), in which the filler will subsequently be placed. To make the warp, cotton fabric is required.
• The next step is to assemble the cube. To do this, all its bright sides must be joined together. In this example, they are sewn together with yellow threads using a crochet hook. Inside is a base with a filler.
Now the cube is ready. When making it, it is important to remember that the baby will study the toy not only with his hands, but can also take it into his mouth. Therefore, all the elements of the cube must be absolutely safe and securely fastened.