Device for watering and feeding apple trees


An apple tree is a decoration of any garden. With proper care, the tree will delight you with an abundant harvest of excellent fruits. Experts recommend watering the apple tree at least 4 times per season. If there is a drought, then watering the tree is not easy. Dry earth does not absorb water well. It is difficult to determine the depth of getting wet when watering.
For many years I watered my apple trees on top of the soil. We take water from the well. During a drought, there is not enough water for the apple trees. I think that many gardeners do not water the apple trees precisely because of the lack of water, so I want to share my method of watering. The method is very simple, material costs are minimal. This method allows not only to reduce the amount of water during irrigation, but also increases the effectiveness of liquid top dressing of the tree. The peculiarity of my watering is that the water goes directly to the roots of the tree. The earth is wetted not from the outside, but from the inside.
In order to bring water to the roots, we need any plastic tube with a diameter of about 10 cm, a length of 50-70 cm and a drill.
I used a corrugated tube, it remained from electrical work. You can use a piece of the old hose. As a drill, I took an old ice drill for winter fishing. The holes are obtained just by the diameter of my tube. Why did I use a drill, not a shovel? With a drill, you can make a hole at an angle close to the trunk, the roots are minimally damaged.

I made holes in the corrugated tube so that the water more evenly moistens the ground. Watering is along the entire length of the tube. I made holes with a small screwdriver, burning it on fire. I recommend taking plastic tubes, as it’s easier to make holes in them.

This is our experimental tree. It has not bloomed yet, the buds are just beginning to bloom. In winter, the mice chewed the apple tree, so the tree needs top dressing. I plan to feed him an infusion of grass.

With the help of a shovel, I outline the place where I will drill a hole, dig a small hole. I will drill in the direction of the trunk.

An ice drill makes the hole easy. We deepen the drill gradually, constantly getting the earth. Turned 2-3 times, got it. The ground is moist below, so the walls of the hole do not crumble.

I made the necessary hole, here it is visible.

Now I carefully place the tube there with twisting movements.

I install the tube to the required depth. So that she did not stick out much above the ground, I cut her off. Do not cut the handset at ground level.

Now I will test the device, fill it with water. Water must be filled in portions. The rate of water withdrawal depends on soil moisture.

I close the tube with a piece of plastic bottle so that grass and earth do not get into it. In winter, I don’t remove the phone. The old apple tree, which I had to cut, had such a pipe for 5 years. If the tree is large, you can put several tubes.
I hope someone will find my watering method useful.


Watch the video: Fertilize Citrus, Avocado & Fruit Trees 3x Each Year--ORGANICALLY! (January 2025).