How to paint a cast iron radiator


It would seem that what could be easier than painting a cast-iron radiator. Take and paint! However, not all so simple.

The fact is that very often the paint simply peels off, and the battery again becomes unsightly. Why is this happening?

One of the main reasons is improper surface preparation. We will talk about this in this article.

How to prepare a radiator before painting

The first step, of course, is to remove the old paint. First, rip off what is climbing. And then we take the sandpaper in our hands and smooth out all the bumps.

After that, the battery should be washed with water and some detergent added. You can take a rag or kitchen sponge.

In this case, it is not necessary to use a solvent, since the acrylic paint (and the author uses it) is neutral, and is compatible with any surfaces.

After the surface dries, you can start painting. The author uses special acrylic enamel for heating radiators.

You will also need a brush for painting radiators, which is bent at 45 degrees.

First, paint the radiator inside, then outside. By the way, even hot batteries can be painted with acrylic paint, which is very convenient.

However, it will have to be painted in two layers, because after the first time the strip will still remain. And the second time it is better to paint with a roller - then there will be no bands from the brush.

For details on how to properly paint a cast-iron radiator, see the video.


Watch the video: How to Paint a Radiator with Sean Buino (January 2025).