How to make a beautiful artificial gypsum stone


In this review, the master shares a cool idea of ​​how to make a beautiful artificial stone with an unfinished surface and with marble splashes at home.

The manufacturing technology of artificial stone is quite simple - if you want to repeat this whole process, everyone can.

Of the basic materials for work, you need a sheet of extruded polystyrene foam (polystyrene foam), silicone sealant, as well as a small piece of cloth with a pile.

The main stages of work

First of all, cut a piece of fabric of the right size. Then we apply silicone sealant to the fleecy surface and evenly distribute it over the entire surface.

After the first layer of silicone has dried, it will be necessary to apply the second, distributing it evenly on the surface with a spatula.

At the next stage, in a sheet of expanded polystyrene, using a clerical knife, cut out the filling molds.

Shapes can be either rectangular or square (as in this case). It is only important that the inner walls are even.

Next, the forms must be glued with tape so that the solution of gypsum does not stick to the walls. You can adjust the thickness of the artificial stone using a heater or a substrate under the laminate, which are laid on the bottom of the mold.

After that, we lay in the molds pieces of "silicone cloth" and fill the gypsum solution.

After the gypsum has completely solidified, we remove the stones from the mold. Now they can be painted - for this, the author breeds a color scheme of the desired color in the primer.

For details on how to make artificial stone from plaster, see this video.


Watch the video: How to Make your own stones - create rocks for painting - diy rocks - gypsum stone (October 2024).