Do-it-yourself universal table for electric sharpener and grinder


In small home workshops, and especially in garages, you often have to fight literally for every centimeter of free space. In such conditions, it is sometimes difficult to compactly place tools and machines.

However, there is always a way out. For example, in this review, the author proposes to make a universal mobile table for an electric sharpener and a grinder with his own hands.

Due to its design, a homemade table allows you to install two machines on it at once, without taking up additional space in the workshop. Very comfortable and practical.

For the manufacture of a universal table, sections of a profile pipe and sheet metal will be required. For fastening, the master uses ordinary bolts with nuts. In general, if you wish, everyone can make such a table for themselves.

The main stages of work

First of all, it will be necessary with the help of a grinder or on a band saw to cut workpieces from a profile pipe. After that, the author makes a marking and drills through holes in the blanks.

At the next stage, it will be necessary to cut blanks from sheet metal. Using these parts, workpieces from the profile pipe will be fastened.

Then you can proceed directly to the assembly. First, the author assembles the main frame, and then he mounts the turntable itself, on which the machines will be located.

For details on how to make a universal table for an electric sharpener and a grinder with your own hands, see the video on our website.


Watch the video: DIY: How To Make A Medicinal Marijuana Grinder (October 2024).