Floor profile from wire and profile


This metal construction is designed for four flower pots - the base of the flower bed and the central rings are made of a square section profile with side dimensions of 15x15 mm, and the seats for the pots are made of ordinary steel wire with a diameter of 6 mm.

As the decorative elements for decoration, "bagels" are used, which are made of six-millimeter wire by cold forging - the length of the blanks is 30 cm. For rings, blanks of wire 50 cm long are used.

Also between the lower and upper rings on the baskets under the flower pots small “windows” of rings will be welded - they will require about two meters of wire to make them.

The main stages of work

First of all, we make small decorative rings. To do this, you need to twist the wire with a spiral using a homemade conductor, and the resulting spring must then be cut with a grinder. The edges of the rings must be leveled with a hammer, and then fastened by welding.

As a template for the manufacture of large rings for baskets for pots, a pipe with a diameter of 150 mm was used, at the end of which a plate was welded so that it could be fixed in a vice. A special hook is provided for the wire. The edges of the rings are also aligned and welded together.

Decorative "bagels" are made using a homemade conductor. Then, from the 15x15 mm profile on the roll forming machine, the base of the structure and two large rings are made. At the last stage of work, if necessary, all elements are cleaned with a grinder and welded to each other. The result is a very unusual and beautiful outdoor flower garden.


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